Treatments S-Z
We have a wide range of massage types for you to choose from. Hopefully, we have
what you are looking for.
Choose from 25, 55 and 70-minute treatment sessions.
Prices start at £32.
Sports Massage
Using a variety of techniques.
25/55/70-minute appointments.
Shamanic Treatments
From Power retrieval to Soul retrieval or going on a drumming journey.
55/70-minute appointments.
Thai Treatments
Thai foot massage, Thai yoga massage or Thai oil massage.
25/55/70-minute appointments.
Womb Massage
Working on the lower back and the abdominal area to help create equilibrium.
55/70-minute appointments.
Scar Treatments
Working on scars from abdominal scars to those on other parts of the body.
You will need to book more than one appointment.
55/70-minute appointments.
Tibetan Head Massage
An incredibly relaxing treatment to the head and face while you snooze on the massage couch.
55-minute appointment.
Using the Theragun massage gun as part of your deep tissue massage.
This is an add-on treatment.
Wood Therapy
Using a range of wooden tools to sculpt, contour and create lymphatic drainage to the body.
You will need to book regular appointments.
55/70-minute appointments.