Ann is the owner of guru holistics and offers a wide range of therapies

Lomi lomi massage
Swedish massage
Deep tissue massage
Hot compress massage
Indonesian and Balinese massage
Thai yoga, Thai oil, Thai foot massage
Reflexology: classical, mindful, fertility and maternity
Reiki, Usui, Seichem, Mary Magdalene
Reiki Immersive (sound therapy, hypnosis, Reiki)
Crystal therapy
Sound therapy including Drum, Gong, Tuning Forks
Shamanic Drumming and Reiki Drumming
Shamanic treatments including power retrieval
Bamboo, Gua Sha, Cupping therapy
Womb massage, fertility and menopause massage
Manual lymphatic drainage
Contouring lymphatic drainage
Wood therapy
Hypnotherapy/hypnobirthing/past life regression
Buccal facial massage
Facial massage including Kansa, Jade rejuvenation, Rose quartz, TMJ, Hot and cold stone, Natural facelift, Buccal facial massage

Did you know?
Ann also teaches at guru holistics, offering accredited training throughout the week.
In addition, she runs a Women's circle once a month.