Thai foot massage
Taken from Thai yoga massage - a treatment to stretch and compress the lower limbs. Using a stick to apply pressure points. An invigorating and rejuvenating treatment.
Lighter Legs
Using manual lymphatic drainage massage to help alleviate puffiness and water retention. This treatment is suitable for pregnancy as well.
Ayurvedic foot ritual
Starting with a foot soak, then a foot massage using marma, chakra and acupuressure points. A massage with a 3-metal bowl and finishing with a traditional ayurvedic ubtan.
The feet contain nerve endings that are connected to every system of the body. This is an MOT and service to the entire mind, body, and spirit.
Fertility, Pregnancy, Mindful and Menopause Reflexology are also on offer.
Paraffin wax
Using warmed paraffin wax applied to the feet to make them soft to touch. This is a gentle warming treatment.
Hot Stone Reflexology
Using warmed basalt stones to apply reflexology movements and a divine foot massage.
Foot Treatments
Did you know that we offer a range of reflexology treatments?
Fertility Reflexology
Maternity Reflexology
Reproductive Reflexology
Mindful Reflexology
Ear Reflexology
Body Reflexology